Designing Professional Development Seminars: Making It Easy for Scholars and Teachers

Sunday, January 4, 2009: 9:40 AM
New York Ballroom East (Sheraton New York)
Richard R. Schramm , National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC
Dr. Schramm will describe the National Humanities Center's efforts to
make seminar-style professional development available to teachers of
American history and literature as a regular part of their professional
lives. As it has become increasingly difficult for teachers to uproot
themselves for several weeks in the summer to attend seminars across the
country, the need has grown to offer teachers seminars in their own
locales and to do so in a way that fits into tight academic calendars
and even tighter school district budgets.  Since the early 1990s the
Center has sought to meet this need and has created a set of online
toolboxes that provide teachers and scholars the materials they need to
collaborate in building their own local programs.  Dr. Schramm will
describe these resources as well as the training and technical
assistance the Center offers to show professional development planners
how to use them.