Social Production of Sao Paulo's Constructed Space since the Turn of the Twentieth Century: A Historical Urban Analysis, 1990–2010

Thursday, January 5, 2012: 3:40 PM
Chicago Ballroom G (Chicago Marriott Downtown)
Luiz Augusto Maia Costa, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas
In the consolidated Brazilian historiography, works that aim to establish parallels, synchronisms and exchanges between the USA and Brazil are dated from the endings of the XIX century, if not earlier. However, these works deal with political and economical aspects, at times, referring to cultural aspects.  As to the social production of the constructed space issue, there is little if no reference to. In reference to the Urban Historiography of São Paulo, studies realized up to the 1990’s, in general, pointed to the ups and downs of ideas, practices and projects between that country and this State from 1930 further. Nonetheless, since the 1990’s, a series of works came to map a cast of social actors, institutions and projects which had any relation with the USA. This article tries to establish a reflection on those works, as well as locate them inside the Historiography of São Paulo in the period from 1990 to 2010. We will take as basis to our investigation the articles and thesis produced in this State, as well as the works presented at the History of the City Seminars and about  urbanism during the period in sight.